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Sponsorship Opportunities

A not-for-profit registered charity
No. 892976960 RR0001

Whether you are interested in a one-time donation, or a reoccurring donation, your donation will be put to good use! As a not-for-profit registered charity, all donations are tax-deductible and will be put to good use in our continued pursuit of excellence, through the fostering of a safe and inclusive community.


Who is Westcoast?

Westcoast Harmony Chorus is an award-winning group of 75 women, from various nationalities, backgrounds, and economic circumstances, who come together to sing four-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. We are part of the worldwide Sweet Adelines International, winning multiple regional championships, the 2013 international mid-sized chorus gold medal, and most recently the title of 6th place international chorus, after competing among the top choruses from around the world.

Why support Westcoast?

For over 50 years, we have contributed to our community through a culture of inclusivity, personal excellence, and drive to share our music and knowledge. We believe that we share common goals and values with many businesses, including:

  • Supporting the mental and physical well-being of our members. Singing in a group has been shown to have significant positive impacts on mental and physical health, as well as feelings of personal belonging.

  • Creating an environment of caring and trust, and focus on the team. We encourage our members to work towards their own musical excellence and to build their self-confidence, which allows us to continuously improve as a team.

  • Improving our community by supporting youth in their musical aspirations. We provide a positive environment for young women to improve their self-esteem and be part of a diverse community of women.


Contact us for more information about sponsorship opportunities and packages.

Rehearsal Location 

9574 – 160 Street, Surrey, BC



© 2022 by Westcoast Harmony Chorus

A not-for-profit registered charity
No. 892976960 RR0001

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